Sunday 3 November 2013

development of model idea (project log book)

i have chosen which idea from my 3 final concepts i will be doing, and in this i will be explaining every piece of the model in which i am going to create!
i chose to create my scythe/ staff weapon, it has a very interesting shape and it seems very fun to make it into a 3D model, i have never created a 3D model before so this will be new for me but it will also be a challenge!

so i will be going through each part of the weapon and include annotations with it or a paragraph which explains everything, however when scanning each individual picture it come out blurry and hard to see and read some of the annotations, so i decided to redraw them all on SAI an art program in which i use, and so these images may be very plain and colour less but i shall explain each one

this is for starters a very basic drawing of the first part of the blade as i said before i decided to use the crescent moon shaped blade from my dagger design because it is really interesting and cause alot more pain then any other kind of blade, due to the face this curves over things such as bones getting it stuck and harder to remove. i've also made it quite a thin blade near the inside to make an easier cut through skin. The spikes have not been added yet as this is just some simple sketches and annotations
this is the second part for my weapon, first of all the blade has been altered slightly adding a flick upwards at the top and a flick downwards at the base, just to give it a little more shape, plus i like this look better then the normal crescent shape, as the one before seemed a little boring, i have also added the energy ball also on the blade, of course seeing as it isn't coloured it looks very plain and 2d like, but that's what i want for now, it shows a basic shape for my weapon, the energy ball connected to the blade as said on my weapon designs adds more power and damage when the blade hits something ( for example, it instantly makes the blade more sharp and easier to cut through things)

here is the handle to my weapon, here it looks very short but if i were to draw it extremely long it would be difficult to me on how to draw it on an A4 sheet of paper, this is just what the basic form and shape is, the handle will be made of a strong metal so it doesn't break, and will have plasma running through it when the energy ball is connected to it. i added the ribbon just for an extra, as i love ribbons and things like that i decided to add it to the weapon to add my own extra flare! on the base a few parts which just add extra detail to this handle, also it has the button in which extends and shortens the handle, it can be hard to reach when the handle is extended, but you'll have to figure out an easy way in which you'll be able to reach it without getting attacked while doing so.

this picture is nothing special it is just a side ( or front) and top view of them weapon, using this will help me make this weapon into a 3D model because i'll know how everything should be on every side etc

this image includes everything, and even the spikes, these are just different camera angles.

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