Tuesday 24 September 2013

steampunk sci fi ( college project log book)

this is a mood board to show some things to do with steampunk sci fi, i really like this combination, it is very interesting and would be a change if we were to have steam powered technology in the future and not electric

steampunk is known to be a bit like science fiction, but is more about steam powered machinery, steam punk is more like the olden Victorian/industrial times, there isn't any electricity used, only cogs and steam powered machinery. sci fi is seen to be very futuristic with nothing but technology and electricity, mixing these two genres can create quite an interesting combination. how ever of course with the tradition of now electricity for steampunk, it would be mainly steam powered ships, boats, cities, robots, anything futuristic would include no electricity.

the colour combination interests me also, steam punk has been know to be quite dark and plain with only brown, white and black for everything, with the occasional dark colour (pink / blue etc) now and then also they include some gold, silver and bronze ( the colours of metals used for their steam powered machines)  how ever because of this style and colour combination, it makes steampunk quite unique and unoriginal, which would be good when mixed with sci fi.
sci fi is usually seen with bright shiny colours, bright clean silvers, plasma blues or pinks etc, neon colours, i'm not so fond of this though, i think it is way too flashy and original, it is what we all expect in the future, reason on why i prefer it to be mixed with steampunk, everything is unique and unoriginal and not many people expect it.

then again there are some bad points with with steampunk sci fi, everything may be steam powered but you won't be able to have everything you would have with a normal sci fi look on things, no plasma, no technology, it would be mainly just guns, cogs, robots, and steam powered vehicle, maybe this could be a good change on the environment of today?. 

there are some things which steampunk sci fi and original sci fi have in common, such as the flying ships (however one is run by steam, the other by science?) and interesting fashion, in the future whether it may be steampunk future or a sci fi future, the fashion will change and become more adapt to the environment.
here may be alot of differences between these two, but as said before, if put together and combined, this could make something very interesting, and so this is the type of science fiction i would love to see in the near by future.

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