Sunday 22 September 2013

paul wright, designer and insperation ( college project log book)(research into concept artists)

Paul wright was the leading artist and designer for many games produced, the reason in which I decide to write and have knowledge about him is because first of all he helped in the creating of the first game I ever played, this game got me into gaming, the name in which was “40 winks” he helped with the graphics and design of this game.

this isn't exactly a picture of any of his designs, but the picture shows mystery and darkness, which would be included in the designs in which paul wright would do, and all the other designers of the game but what makes paul wright so special is his contribution in other games in which have been made,

He has been also known to do many more games, such as: • Fable 2 • Fable 3 • Reservoir dogs • Conflict: Vietnam • Rolling • Space debris
The ones at which makes me enjoy the work of this artist, are the fable 2 and fable 3 games, I am a huge fan of the lion head studios company, and an even bigger fan of the fable games, his designs and art work just brings all the games together, the concept art and the character art, are the things which surprise me and impress me the most, as they contain so much detail and depth, he is a big inspiration to me and for my future.
the impression and emotion gone into the picture shows darkness and anger and maybe that's what paul wanted to get across during the time he designed this, in the game there was anger and fighting and he wanted to display such emotions on a picture.
I am very much a fan of fable 2, the art was amazing and so detailed, however I think the art in fable 3 was a lot better. The storyline may not be great in the 3rd game but the art and design adds more impact, and which than gives me more inspiration. The artist is very good at what he does and I hope in the near future he will impress me more with his wonderful work. But of course what gave him this start was the artist directors which are in more game creating companies, they show them what to do and lead them in the right way which then leads him to create art work such as this
fable has been seen as a dark game with lots of anger and emotion put into the game, but this one picture shows tranquillity and peace, alot different from many other pictures that have been annalysed and designed.

other information

A production manager is the person who looks for the best cast and crew when producing either a game or film etc. Paul wright was originally founded by the company who created 40 winks in 1999, and soon to be found by peter molyneux from lion head studios to work on the fable 2 and 3 games as a lead designer, I’m glad he was founded by them as the art for the games pulls everything together and makes the games what they are, and there for creating an impact on me. Of course Paul wright didn’t create and draw everything for the fable games, there were others who helped also, but he was known as the designer, so he would start everything off, getting inspiration to create something which then others can build upon and work on as well as design also Those who help with the process • Jamie durrant - graphic designer • Seema schere – artist for lion head studios • Mark theriault – cinematic artist • Paul wright – Lead designer

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