Tuesday 17 December 2013

different medias used in the project (horror project)

the different medias i'll be uing in this project is a big mix of things,  i will be using, of course traditional, which is pencil and pen, water colour paints, digital, charcoal, copic markers and  granite pencil ( only a bit)

Key attributes, what are they used for, How are they used.
the key attributes for any media is to help create something in which a person designs, they use this media DUE to its attributes, all medias have different uses and so they all help and do different things.

pencil/ pen: the main key attribute for a pencil is for sketching, seeing as pencils are so light (depending on how hard you press down) you can sketch anything, and also it can be easily erased if mistakes are made, pencils are also used for shading, pencils are very easy to shade with  as you can press down really hard, to letting it flow nicely across the paper to either create a hard shade, or a gradient shade.
for a pen, they are mainly used for writing, as using a pen to write is alot neater then anything else, also if you felt adventurous, a pen can be used to draw, if you are confident at making no mistakes then a pen is good for this.

water colour paints: the key attribute(s) for paints are basically... to paint, paints are well known to be good at mixing colours to get the correct shade you like and also blending and over doing, painting is a nice free form of media.  water colours is a type of paint you mix with ALOT of water, and with these yo can be as messy as  you like, especially when painting a certain image, you can start from a very light colour, going into the dark ones, being less messy as you go.

digital: very popular now, there are many different programmes which fit under the digital category, this media is of course, used for creating digital art, with digital art you can create a defined look on any art piece you probably couldn't do with other medias, digital art can be erased just like pencil, and you can sketch, colour messy and all sorts, just like the medias listed above, digital art is also known to be used in some game industries to create concept art in a very quick and neat way.

charcoal: charcoals key attributes are usually seen as charcoal being good for shading and creating tension in an image, due to it being easy to smudge and blend, it can create very good lighting techniques, and shading techniques, you can keep putting charcoal over charcoal until you reach the shade/ gradient/ lighting on an image you want. they can be used to create back grounds for concept art in game industries, with backgrounds, charcoal can create a specific kind of tension and wonder on the image to make it fit your desire.

copic markers: the key attributes for copic markers are they are basically for creating a certain type of gradient look in an image, starting with a very light shade you can build your way up to a darker shade. they are very useful for when building up an image from the lightest colour first to the darkest. like the other medias, they can be used for concept art,  lighting and shading effects

granite: like any normal pencil but can come in a much thicker size, especially like the one i used, it's attributes are for easy drawing and shading like the pencil, this can be used instead of pencil, but of course there are it's differences, such as if you use a much thicker pencil of granite it is alot harder to use.

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