Saturday 4 January 2014

uses of media (sci fi project extended)

for my sci fi project i used 3 different medias: pencil/ traditional, water colour paints and digital / Photoshop, i had to use 3 different medias so i can see how i can work under 3 different types of medias and if i can understand how they are used and why they are used, and also why did i choose to use them, well the answer is quite simple.

pencil and pen: i used this for one of my concepts due to the fact it is easy and basic, i do try to use more challenging medias, but this is one of my favorite, i am able to sketch easily and create what i want easily without trouble due to the fact pencil is erasable. pencil is mainly used for sketching and drawing, it first outlines a basic image in your mind and if you wish to go into detail then pencil is good for shading and fine details, it gives a grate gradient effect and can be erased with ease. probably favored by many people. then there is pen which is mainly used for writing, but i use it for outlining, i believe it makes things look more bold and more clean, people do tend to draw with pen as it gives a more bold and straight image.

water colour: water colours are obviously used with ALOT of water, i used this as it is something new to me and i thought it would make a really good base, and also gradient effect with colours, and i was right, not only this but it can be used for detail too, due to the fact this was my first time PROPERLY using water colours, it only took a short while for me to first figure out how to use them correctly, then using them was quite easy and simple, its very fun to do, people would usually use water colours to create concept art or back grounds mainly, due to the fact it creates a nice gradient look on things, how to use them correctly would to start off with a very watered down colour and build up into much thicker and darker colours.

digital/ Photoshop: this was my first time using Photoshop, so obviously i has some hard times using it, however Photoshop is good for when you want to create a nice defined look on something, something bold with bright colours, something which you couldn't do with crayons, pencils etc. like pencil, you can erase and re do, but of course it's digitalised, it took some time getting used to but it is very easy to use now. people would usually use this for quick concept drawings or maybe certain art, this certain soft ware is also used for editing images, creating whole new images etc. very popular amongst many game industries

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