Sunday 6 October 2013

primary and secondary images (project log book)

Primary and secondary images/ photos are the ways of defining an image created by you, and an image created by someone else. A Primary image (first image) is something in which YOU have created (whether it is a photo or a drawing/ painting). A Secondary image (second image) is something in which someone else has created (whether it is a photo or a drawing/ painting).

Advantages of primary images
Primary images are something in which are made by yourself, an original images so then advantages could be:
* It could be as basic/ as detailed as you wish it to be
* It is completely original/ seeing as it is your idea put into a photo/ drawing it is original and not taken from somewhere else
* It is unique? As it is created by you
* Create anything anywhere at the time period you begin to create a picture.
* Use any angle, and way of taking a picture (camera, traditional utensils, digital, written work etc.)

Disadvantages of primary images
* Expensive, things can be very expensive, first the costs of getting materials, and cameras and things for special lighting etc could cost a lot of money, not only that, if you had to take an image of something that was in a different country, you’d have to pay A LOT of money just to get there, to make an image
* Skills –  you may not have enough/ have the skills needed to take a good primary image
* Time? Could not have any time
* Stolen – if not watermarked/ marked as your own, your image can be stole quite easily.

Advantages of secondary images
* it Can give you ideas for things you can create (can build up a primary image by giving ideas)
* see the work of other people and compare?
It could be from any time, so it can show different styles of the image which then can also give you ideas and * build upon other ideas to create more secondary and primary images
* Doesn’t really cost you anything, you can usually find most secondary images on the internet ( depends if you buy paintings or drawing/photos etc)

Disadvantages of secondary images
* some need to be paid for to see ( usually this includes special pictures/ pictures from artists or copyrighted images?
* bad quality?
* hard to fine or if there is a specific type of photo you are looking for, you may not be able to find it?

obviously a primary image is something i take but an example of a secondary image could be  this photo of people at the beach because it was taken by some one else

if using these types of images for a game company, they could use secondary images for ideas and styles, such as they can see ways people take/ draw pictures or the types of things they put in these pictures, once they do that, primary images can then be created in which then they can compare the secondary image and primary image to get a final idea for what ever they be creating.(?)

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