Tuesday 11 February 2014

Evaluation ( animation project)

after many weeks of research, drawing and modeling i was finally able to complete both my 2D animation and my 3D animation, before i give my own evaluation on how things went i will be giving feedback given by others, so i can build upon what they said and take in what they said, so it can help me to improve in the future, i got a few comments on how my animations needed improvement, but mostly good comments, which seems good so far!

3D animation - The Audition.

first off, here is a screen shot of the scene of my 3D animation, it's nothing spectacular, as i just want my model to be seen as if he is at an audition for a movie. so the back ground is quite plane, however for this project, models doesn't matter, the only thing which matters is your animation.
for my animation i made the character hold papers in his hands and moves his head and arms, i made them as smooth as possible, so it doesn't look jittery and cheap/ tacky. for the audio track i had to animate my character to was: " one day, somebodys gonna need to make a stand, one day... somebodys gonna have to say enough!", i had to match the mouth to make it sync perfectly with the words which was a trouble for me as i got comments saying " the syncing was good at the beginning but quite fast at the end" "the animation was good, however the syncing needs work" i noticed they where probably on about the part from frames 200 - 250
the lips didn't match the voice, and so i shall keep this in mind in the future that i need to take extra care and put in more concentraition when syncing lips to a voice, probably slowing down the sound some way will probably help me in shaping the mouth properly and slower so i can get it properly in sync with the sound, other than that i think that was the only piece of critizism i got about my 3D animation, overall, i was told my face motion was good, i made it so it looked like he had emotion and that he was actually pulling faces to match what he was saying, also with the arms.

2D Animation - The Cookie.
for my 2d animation, making it not look tacky and cheap/ quickly made was my number one priority, i crated my 2D animation in a software called "paint tool sai" i find it alot easier than photoshop and gimp, i drew each and every frame differently so it obviously looks like the characters in the animation where moving, which actually wasn't so difficult, here is just a screen shot of one of the frames from my animation,  i got quite a few compliments for my 2D animation, such as: "lip syncing is good", " different camera angles" "constant art style" "good expressions" this has made me realized in what i did was actually good and i should probably keep along this path for when creating other animations, such as: i will ad alot of expressions to make it seem more real, i will keep with the constant look through out and i will also give different camera angles, i don't recall hearing people say whats wrong with it, how ever i believe if i do this again i should probably work more on the art style, every frame the characters begin to change slightly, and for a smooth animation, that cannot happen, here is an example of a before and after shot ( beginning frame - end frame of a scene)

<---before. not including the facial expressions, you can notice the hair has slightly changed its look as has the body, i have to make it so this doesn't happen next time.                                    after---->

so overall i think this project went really well, i did struggle at first, as i thought i wouldn't get everything done, but once i managed my time differently, my animations where completed in a flash, as well as all my researching and planning, i still think i can improve on my 3D animation as the lip syncing is mediocre. and there isn't much movement going on, however maybe if i also had a different soundtrack to work with, one that wasn't so bland and boring, my animation would have had more life to it i believe, for my 2D animation, it came out better than i had hoped, so i'm happy for that, over all my 2D animation is my best.